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Marine Protect

Hull Protect

Hull Protect offers industry-leading cover and service for Australian commercial vessels. 

What is it?

NTI’s Hull Protect provides material damage cover for commercial vessels engaged in harbour, inland and coastal operations.

Who is it for?

This cover is suited to commercial vessels around the country operating in the transport, tourism, or infrastructure industries, however large or small your vessel, whether it’s a small family-run business, or part of a larger fleet.

What kind of cover does it offer?

Whether your commercial operation is a tourist boat taking passengers out whale-watching or to the Great Barrier Reef; or a workboat, tug and barge operation carrying materials for infrastructure projects; or a pilot and line handling vessel servicing a port or harbour, our expert team can provide a tailored solution for your vessels. 

Covering a wide range of navigating or port risks and exposures unique to operations on the water, and if something goes wrong we have a dedicated marine claims team to help you.

Product Disclosure Statement - Effective for policies incepted prior to 5 April, 2021