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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

References to “NTI”, ‘we’, or ‘us’ in this statement refers to and includes NTI Limited ABN 84 000 746 109 AFSL 237246 and any related company within the meaning of the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth).

NTI regards privacy as an important right for our customers. Information provided to us by our customers is protected by our strict standards, upheld by policies and procedures.

We offer several customer service applications on this site designed to provide you with information about NTI and its related products and services. Such applications may require you to input information, such as name and address in order for us to respond to your enquiries.

This Policy

This is NTI's Privacy Policy on the management of personal information and sensitive information. "Personal information" means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable: (a) whether the information or opinion is true or not; and (b) whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.  

“Sensitive information” is a component of personal information and relates more specifically to information that, by its “sensitive” nature, which includes criminal records.

We appreciate that as a customer of ours, you trust us with your personal information and sensitive information, and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy. We will comply with the Australian Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act (Cth) 1988, as amended (“the Act”).

We collect personal information so we are able to identify you and conduct appropriate checks, to understand your requirements when providing you with a product or service.  This allows us to establish, administer and manage our products and services, perform tasks in connection with purchasing a product provided to you, gather and aggregate information for statistical, prudential, actuarial, reporting and research purposes.  We manage, train and develop our employees and representatives for when they handle your information.  We manage complaints and disputes, and report to dispute resolution bodies. We collect your personal information to better understand you, your needs, your behaviours, how you interact with us, enabling us to engage in product and service research, development and business strategy, and manage the delivery of our services and products through the different methods we communicate with you.

When we are unable to collect your personal information, we may be unable to provide you with certain products and services or limited in what we can provide.



1. Consideration of personal information privacy

NTI manages your personal information in an open and transparent manner taking such reasonable steps to ensure our practices, procedures and systems relating to our activities and handling of enquiries or complaints are in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

2. Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal and Sensitive Information

Personal Information

The personal information that we may collect or hold about you can include:

  • name, date of birth, gender;
  • contact details such as your address, phone number or email
  • information that we require to provide you with a product or service such as your claims history, driving history, vehicle registration number and financial institution account or credit card details;
  • information that we obtain on databases or websites including business, company or criminal history searches;
  • information that we obtain in processing a claim such as information contained in a police report or expert report;
  • insurance policy information such as your previous insurers, details of any intermediary or broker you use or previous insurance policies held by you.

We may collect, use or disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  • providing and administering our products and services in relation to you;
  • customer, product, business or strategic research and development;
  • dealing with a claim in relation to you
  • dealing with enquiries and complaints in relation to you
  • facilitating business operations such as our IT infrastructures, databases, websites and for statistical and maintenance purposes
  • complying with legislation, regulation and industry codes that are applicable to us. Under Australian law we may be authorised or required to collect your personal information for Goods and Services Tax, Income Tax Assessment Acts, Tax Administration Act, National Consumer Law, Personal Properties Securities Act, Anti-Money laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act, and any regulations made under these and other legislation we need to adhere to;
  • any other purpose communicated to you at the time we collected your personal information or as required or permitted by law

We may disclose your personal information to and/or collect that personal information for our: 

  • joint venturers (Insurance Australia Limited trading as CGU Insurance ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 and AAI Limited Trading as Vero Insurance ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859) and related companies; 
  • our agents, referrers and distributors;
  • clubs, associations, member programmes that relate to the products and services we provide you;
  • third parties we have contracted to provide services, products or administrative services which include but limited to: consultancy firms, auditors, marketing agencies investigators, credit reference providers, recovery agents, lawyers, assessors, repairers, suppliers, advisers, mailing houses, online publishers, media partners, market researchers, payment service providers, experts and IT providers and agents or subcontractors of any of those providers;
  • government, statutory or regulatory bodies and enforcement agencies 
  • external dispute resolution bodies such as AFCA; 
  • any organisation assisting us to gather or aggregate information for statistical, prudential, actuarial, reporting, analytical or research purposes; 
  • any other organisation or person where you have asked them to provide your personal information to us or asked us to obtain personal information from them.

We will utilise a variety of methods to collect your personal information including written forms, telephone calls and over the internet including our websites and online platforms and when you use our mobile applications. 

Sensitive Information 

NTI will only collect sensitive information with your consent or where the information is reasonably necessary and directly related to delivering our products and services to you, forms part of our due diligence process, or where the law requires or authorises the collection of such information.

3. Marketing

Direct Marketing

We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information to provide you with information and offers about our products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. We may use various channels including but not limited to email, telephone, SMS, mail, social media. To engage in direct marketing we collect your personal information from and disclose it to others who provide us with specialised data matching trending or analytical services, as well as general marketing services. We may also collect your personal information for marketing through competitions and by purchasing contact lists.  

You can contact us at any time to ‘opt out’ of receiving marketing communications by phoning (07) 3292 9800,or writing to us at NTI Limited PO Box 13550 George Street QLD 4003, or simply follow the unsubscribe instructions in the relevant communication. You can change your mind at any time. If you decide to ‘opt back in’ just let us know. 

Targeted Marketing

We may use online targeted marketing, data and audience matching and market segmentation to improve advertising relevance to you.  We and other persons who provide us with services, may combine the personal information collected from you or others, with the information we, or our service providers already hold about you to enable targeted marketing.

4. Cross Border disclosure of Personal Information

From time to time we may need to disclose your personal information to, and collect your personal information from other countries however we will always disclose and collect your personal information in accordance with Australian privacy laws. When handling your personal information and in circumstances where the recipient is overseas, our contractual arrangements with these recipients generally include an obligation for them to comply with Australian privacy laws. 

5. Use or Disclosure of Government Identifiers

Identifiers are unique numbers that a Commonwealth Government organisation has assigned to you. These include tax file numbers and Medicare numbers. NTI will not adopt or assign any of these Commonwealth Government identifiers as our own identifier of you, unless it is required or authorised by Australian law or a court/tribunal.

6. Holding and security of Personal Information

We may hold personal information electronically or on paper / in hard copy. When we collect and hold your personal information, we take all reasonable precautions to protect the information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Where reasonably necessary or legally required we will destroy personal information or de-identify it to protect such personal information.

7. Access to Personal Information

We are required to ensure that the personal information we collect is accurate. If any of the personal information you have provided us changes at any time, or you find that any information is inaccurate, you must contact us to enable us to update your records. You can request access to your personal information, by phoning (07) 3292 9800; or writing to us at NTI Limited PO Box 13550 George Street QLD 4003. We are required to respond to your request within 30 days or if it takes an extended period of time will inform you of any likely delay. We may charge for the costs of providing access to your personal information (such as postage), however we will inform you if a charge applies before we proceed with your request.

The Australian Privacy Principles outline circumstances under which we may deny access to some or all of your personal information. These circumstances include situations where it may impact the privacy of other individuals, poses a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual or the public as prescribed under the law. In such cases we will give reasons for our decision when responding to you.

8. Correction of Personal Information

When we collect your personal information we will take such reasonable steps to update the information to ensure it is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant and correct. You can contact us to correct your personal information. 

9. Breach of Privacy and Complaints

In the event NTI becomes aware of a privacy breach relating to personal information it has been provided or collects it will:

  • follow its established policy, procedure and guidelines to resolve the matter, and
  • where applicable, advise the individual or the general public of the privacy issue.

Where you have a complaint about your personal information or you believe there is a breach of privacy we ask that you contact us by phoning (07) 3292 9800, write to us at NTI Limited, PO Box 13550, George Street QLD 4003 or email us at of your concerns.

At NTI, we have an internal dispute resolution process to address such issues. We will contact you if we require additional information or have reached a decision relating to your complaint. We will advise you of the progress of your complaint and the timeframe for a decision in relation to your complaint. 

The Office of Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”) suggests you allow 30 days for NTI to respond to your privacy complaint, and then you may contact the OAIC with your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our decision you can direct your complaint to the OAIC in 1 of 3 ways:

  • The OAIC online “Privacy Complaint Form” at
  • By mail (if you have concerns about postal security, you may wish to consider sending your complaint by registered mail);

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5288, Sydney NSW 2001

  • By fax +61 2 6123 5145


10. Future Changes

From time to time NTI may review this Privacy Policy and will amend it to reflect changes in legislation, industry codes or in the business environment. The Privacy Policy is available at

Your continued use of our website, products or services, requesting our assistance, applying for or renewal of any of our products or services, making a claim or the provision of further personal or sensitive information to us after this Privacy Policy has been revised, constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.