Terms and Conditions for Free Roadside Promotion
NTI is providing a FREE Truck Assist Roadside Essentials Plan to all eligible customers.
Which customers are eligible for this Truck Assist Roadside promotion?
The offer is available to all customers who have a current NTI Transport Pack or Yellow Cover policy as at 1st October 2020, and any new customers who take out a NTI Transport Pack or Yellow Cover policy between 1st October 2020 and 31st December 2020. The roadside plans offered under the promotion apply to any eligible Rigid Truck or Prime Mover identified on the customers policy schedule at the time of redemption (see ‘What vehicles are eligible under this Truck Assist Roadside promotion?’ for full vehicle eligibility criteria).
What vehicles are eligible under this Truck Assist Roadside promotion?
An eligible vehicle is:
- A Rigid Truck or Prime Mover identified on the customers policy schedule at the time of redemption; and
- A vehicle in a roadworthy condition; and
- A vehicle that is registered; and
- Not already covered under a Roadside plan managed by Truck Assist (eg. Truck Assist retail plan, Isuzu Assist, Hino Assist, 24/7 Star Assist); and
- Manufactured on or after 1990.
Note that any vehicles added to the customer’s insurance policy after the date of redemption will not be covered under their selected Truck Assist Roadside plan. If you wish to have additional vehicles covered, please contact Truck Assist on 1800 827 747.
What can I choose under this Truck Assist Roadside promotion?
Under the promotion, eligible customers will be able to redeem the Truck Assist Roadside Essentials Plan for free for all eligible vehicles (see ‘What vehicles are eligible under this Truck Assist Roadside promotion?’ for vehicle eligibility criteria).
Customers are also able to choose to upgrade to the Truck Assist Roadside Value plan https://truckassist.com.au/roadside-assistance-value-plan for a special promotional price of $95, or the Truck Assist Roadside Premium Plan https://truckassist.com.au/roadside-assistance-premium-plan for $195.
All services under Truck Assist Roadside Plans will be subject the standard Truck Assist Roadside Conditions of Supply and Roadside Terms of Use. Further information about Truck Assist Roadside can be found under the Roadside FAQs.
When does the Truck Assist Roadside promotion start?
The promotion is valid for current NTI Transport Pack or Yellow Cover policy as at 1st October 2020, and any new customers who take out a NTI Transport Pack or Yellow Cover policy between 1st October 2020 and 31st December 2020.
When does the Truck Assist Roadside promotion finish?
Customers can redeem their Truck Assist Roadside with their next insurance renewal or at any time before 31st December 2021.
How do I redeem the offer under the Truck Assist Roadside promotion?
Redeeming the offer is simple! All you need to do is enter the below information in the form at truckassist.com.au/roadside-assistance/free-roadside-offer :
- NTI Transport Pack or Yellow Cover Policy number
- Client Business Name
- Client Contact Name
- Client Contact Number
- Client Email Address
- Client Postal Address
Your redemption request will then be process by the Truck Assist team. Please allow up to 7 days for redemptions to be processed.
Please note that this offer can only be activated once per customer and must be redeemed with the period of the promotion.
When can I start to use by Truck Assist Roadside Plan?
Provided the customers meets the eligibility criteria your Plan is valid for 12 months.
Please note that it may take up to 7 days to activate your Truck Assist Roadside Plan under this promotion.
Once your Truck Assist Roadside Plan has been activated, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your selected Truck Assist Roadside Plan and you can start to use the service once you have received this confirmation.
It is important to note that this promotion cannot be used where immediate assistance is required.
However, if you require immediate assistance, please call 1800 TASSIST (1800 827 747) to purchase an Immediate Use Roadside Plan.
What happens at the end of the Truck Assist Roadside Plan?
All Truck Assist Roadside plans offered under this promotion are valid for 12 months from the date of issue of your Truck Assist Roadside Plan confirmation.
At the completion of this period, you will have the option to renew one of the valid Truck Assist Roadside Plans available at the time at the recommended retail price at that time.
Note: the Truck Assist Essentials Plan is currently only available to customers under this promotion and may not be available at the end of your plan.
Please also note that there is no automatic renewal of the free Essentials plan under this promotion.
You will be notified of the expiry of your existing Plan and You can choose to purchase a Roadside Entitlement Plan.
If you have purchased an upgrade through this promotion you will be notified of the expiry date and your Plan will automatically renew.